Archive | God’s Promises

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Mount Sinai

The Promise of His Presence

Moses was either amazing or crazy; perhaps a little of both! The often lonely road he walked, the obstinate people he loved, his passion for righteousness—they all point toward one of the truly great figures of history. But there was something else about Moses, something upon which his entire character hinged: Moses walked with God. […]

Shed the Weight

Shed the Weight!

We hear it all the time—obesity is a leading cause of health problems in our day. The experts tell us to shed the pounds, but everywhere we turn we’re bombarded with messages to the contrary. “Eat!” they tell us. “Our sumptuous treats will make your life full and complete!” I’m not saying that physical weight […]


Believe in Yourself! Seriously?

It is the mantra of our day. From the earliest of ages our children are showered with the believe in yourself message. “You can go anywhere, accomplish anything. The ability lies deep within you. All you need to do is draw it out. Believe in yourself.” This, according to our world, is the foundation of […]

A Tribute to Sam

A Tribute to Sam

No, Sam wasn’t our beloved dog. And, no, Sam isn’t dead. But he is gone. Ladies and gentlemen, Sam The Intern has left the building. I no longer hear the whirl of his overworked computer, the busy tapping of the keyboard or the sound of the lid being screwed back on his water bottle. Of […]

Finding Our Way

Finding Our Way

Friends of ours once rented a house in rural western PA. Near the house was a rather large stone with a benchmark disk attached. Used long before GPS came into existence, a benchmark provided a defining location for surveyors and travelers. In their minds, any feelings of being lost or confused would instantly vanish at […]

Promises, Promises

Promises, Promises

We’ve all experienced the pain of broken promises. Western culture can be characterized as a promise-breaking society. Political campaigns saturate our media-driven world with sincere and profound pledges for change—pledges that will be fulfilled when that person finally gets in office. Within months many of those promises are completely forgotten. Owners, coaches and even players […]

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