Archive | God’s Character

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Sermon on the Mount

What Makes Jesus Different?

Throughout the entire history of humankind—however long that has been—there has never been a person like Jesus Christ. Never. There is enough information about the uniqueness of Jesus to easily fill a book, but I’d like to highlight one particular aspect of His character that is often ignored. As recorded in John 3:13, Jesus said […]

The Temptation of ChristAry Scheffer, 1854

When Christian Isn’t Christian

Most people act like they aren’t home if they see them coming—those rather plain, but nicely dressed missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who work their way through residential neighborhoods trying to convert others to their beliefs. If, however, they happen to show up on a day when I have […]

The Ten Commandments

Politically Correct Commandments?

It was a scene for the ages; and if you’ve ever watched the movie version of the Ten Commandments, you probably have the image of a laser-like flame inscribing the commandments on stone tablets etched in your mind. As awesome as the movie scene was, I can’t begin to imagine the real-life version of the […]

Mythological Gods

How Real Is God?

I’m getting up in years, but I can still remember learning about Greek and Roman mythology in elementary school. The associated gods and creatures fit the idea of almost every little boy’s dream. In fact, they almost ranked right up there with dinosaurs. As I grew older, I began to realize that the gods of […]


Making Sense of Religious Pluralism?

I admit—it sounds terribly appealing. You know, the idea that all paths lead to God, that at their core we find no intrinsic differences between belief systems. I mean, if we can all accept this reality and just get along with one another, wouldn’t this world be a much better place? While generally embracing nebulous […]


The Power to Love Despicable People II

I stated in my last post that God’s grace gives us the power to love despicable people such as the ISIS terrorists who recently burned a Jordanian pilot alive. If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how you can possibly love people that you would naturally want to see eternally squashed. History has shown love […]


The Power to Love Despicable People

If you’ve grown fond of the little yellow minions making their way around contemporary media, you’re probably familiar with the animated movie, Despicable Me. It’s the story of an evil villain, Gru, who adopts three little orphan girls to aid his plot to steal the moon, but who ends up falling in love with the […]


Cheaters Are Losers

Deflate-gate. For those who follow NFL football, the deflated football discovery in the Patriots/Colts game has created quite the stir. Eleven of the twelve Patriots’ footballs were below the acceptable air pressure—giving the Patriots certain advantages in the game—but no one has been able to pinpoint how they came to be that way. That’s the […]


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

There was a news report the other day of police officers in Kansas City pulling people over to give them money from a secret Santa. The emotions rendered by the story were the exact opposite of those being expressed all over the U.S. in protests against police brutality. Those who had their attentions “arrested” went […]

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