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photo credit: <a href="">Adam Jones, Ph.D. - Global Photo Archive</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Satan Wants to Sift You Like Wheat! Part II

Wheat is getting an increasingly bad name in our day. Why? Generations of hybridization have engineered wheat which is more disease resistant, more pesticide resistant, more workable for baking, and generally more productive. However, the same cumulative modifications that have significantly helped reduce starvation across the globe also seem to be having adverse affects on […]

Feeling Used

Feeling Used

Feeling used by God is very different than feeling used by our world’s system. The world will use you, extract whatever they feel is of value, and then throw you away. The world’s system cares only for your usefulness; there is little to no concern for you as a person. Recently, I spent some time […]


Are You Feeling Stretched?

In March of 1980, while walking back to my dorm on the campus of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), I surrendered my life to Christ. I am compelled to admit that there was much that I didn’t know at the time. I didn’t know that Indiana, PA would become my home and that I would […]

The Distracted Soul

The Distracted Soul

Good intentions. Some say that the road to hell is paved with them. So is the winding path to spiritual anemia. Don’t almost all Christians have good intentions? Don’t we all want to draw closer to God, live out the reality of the Christian faith, and make a deep, long-lasting impact on this lost and […]

Did David Cheat Goliath?

When People Disappoint You

It was the weightiest moment in all of history. Jesus—God in the flesh—knelt and cried out to the heavenly Father with unimaginable agony. Christ’s anguish was so deep, and the stress of the moment so intense, that His pores began to seep blood. If ever there was a time when Jesus needed a friend to […]

Photo Jun 24, 5 02 02 PM

The Profile of a Mass Shooter

Once again, the United States has been rocked by a mass shooting in which mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, siblings, children, and grandparents have been brutally murdered. The shooting at the Washington Naval Yard was serious enough (meaning that enough people were killed) to give our nation collective pause—to take a momentary break from our daily […]

Fighting Giant

Facing a Giant? You’re Not Alone!

A very real problem for all of us is that we tend to profess a depth of faith in God that we do not actually possess. Faith is easy on the mountaintop. The battlefield trenches of life are an entirely different matter. A football team may spend a lot of time practicing in preparation for […]


From Spiritual Mountaintop to Spiritual Wilderness

Dramatic. Powerful. Intense. All are words that I would use to describe the weeks following my conversion to Christianity. Surrendering my life to Christ was without question a calculated decision; I was not crying out to God in a moment of crisis. Still, I was a broken person and the Holy Spirit moved dramatically to […]

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