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About the Pope

Ladies and gentlemen, the pope has left the building—or should I say the country? Pope Francis made a huge splash in the United States—and not just among Catholics.  Many non-religious people—and even some Evangelicals—genuinely like Pope Francis. Why is it that people who largely disagree with the pontiff’s theology find him immensely appealing as a […]


Our Living Hope!

The fallout from the Ashley Madison scandal continues, and it isn’t pretty. On August 18, 2015, hackers exposed the names of more than 30 million people listed on the adultery-oriented website. Six days later, Christie Gibson found her husband John’s lifeless body in their home. The 56-year-old pastor and seminary professor had taken his own […]


Jailed for Her Beliefs?

Kim Davis. Does the name sound familiar? Perhaps, you know her better as the Kentucky clerk who was defied the Supreme Court by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. According to her lawyers, issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple “…irreparably and irreversibly violates her conscience…” A federal judge disagreed with her […]

Gay Marriage

Why the Legalization of Gay Marriage Isn’t Enough

If the same-sex marriage controversy were merely about equal rights, the best way for the LGBT community to cement their position would be to now champion the Constitutional freedoms of religion and speech. Conservative opposition would slow to a trickle, and an uneasy sort of truce would ensue. Admittedly, the scenario is unlikely because the […]

Trending into Confusion

Trending Into Confusion

I admit it; I am confused. “It’s okay,” we are told, “for Bruce Jenner to identify as a woman because “he” is really a she trapped in a man’s body.” How we handle the ramifications, I’m not exactly sure. If a group of teenage boys, for example, decide that they want to identify as female, […]

Caitlyn Jenner

Conviction or Compassion?

Internet buzz has been at frenzied heights with the recent Duggar molestation scandal and Bruce Jenner’s gender transition to Caitlyn. Not surprisingly, professing Christians are all over the issues with opinions trending from one extreme to the other. More often than not, conservatives encourage compassion and understanding for the Duggars, while hammering the self-professed Caitlyn […]

Abandoned Church

Can the Church Be Saved?

If what I read in the media is correct, the church in America should now be taking its final gasps of air. Christians have all become judgmental hypocrites, pastors are dropping like flies, young people are leaving in record numbers, and church after church is closing its doors. Perhaps, our best option would be to […]

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